Dr. Michele Sweet-Bradford, Pastor

I Can International Ministries-Founder, Inspiration Talk show Host, Certified Anger Management Coach Specialist, Domestic Violence Coach Specialist and Entrepreneur and Honored Wife, Mother and MeMe (Grandmother)

Vision Statement

Our vision is to see believers displaying dominion in the knowledge that they can do all things through Christ Jesus which is their strength as they walk out the volume of the book this is written of them through walking in the fullness of their Christ Identity; thereby leaving an inheritance that keeps on giving.


Conference Meals:

July 29, 2022 Friday
o Dinner 5:30 pm

July 30, 2022, Saturday
o Breakfast 7:30 am
o Lunch 12:00 pm
o Dinner 5:30 pm

July 31, 2022
o Breakfast 7:30 am

Sister to Sister Luncheon

Great News!!!  We have added an event.

The “Sister to Sister Luncheon”

Yes you read correctly!  “Sister to Sister Luncheon”.  Well what is it you ask?  It is a rare opportunity to ask questions directly to our panel of speakers.  When we say rare, you best believe.  This outstanding group of speakers have never all been in one place at one time.   We will have “let me get this straight” chat.

You will have the opportunity to ask questions that may not have been covered during the Women of Worship Conference:  Christ Identity- Who Am I In Christ.  We will have some Prophetic Activation.  Of course, there will be Praise, Worship and Prayer.  All over lunch.

This is a stand alone event.  That means if you did not attend the conference and you were not a vendor that you can still attend.  So vendors if you only are a vendor and not an attendee you will most definitely miss out on the conference.

Everyone that desires to attend must complete the special registration .

Special registration for Sister to Sister Luncheon (Click on the Register link and add it to your cart.)

Date:  July 31, 2022 

  • Luncheon begins at 12:00 pm

Special registration for “Sister to Sister Lunch” panel questions and answers. Sunday July 31st at 11:00 am – 2:00 pm $20